Rev. Dallas Will Soon Be Rev. Dr. Dallas

During the past 3 years, I have been doing a deep intra-spiritual doctoral studies through the Alliance of Divine Love. Today as a Christian and Inter-faith minister it is my joy to bring light and love to a hurting world. As you know, I have a passion for the world and her people, the planet and beyond. Now it the time that we must stop listening to the noise of the doubt and fear. We can heal when we #ThinkLoveFirst and act in compassion towards others, our plants and our world.

Sending you light and love!



#Thinkloveirst Wisdom Quote- This Constant Noise

Hello Dear Ones.
 I envision a world where we respect each other and act in the greatest degree of love even when we disagree. There is a way to find a solution. Get out of your head and listen with your heart. There is a sickness that is infecting our view. Only together can we have a peace that surpasses understanding. We must find a way to work together and stop spinning hateful dialogue. That behavior will only continue to divide us. Aren’t you sick of this ugliness? Look in the mirror, examine your heart and be answer and not the instigator. It’s time to #ThinkLoveFirst and stop this nonsense before we loose what is must precious – Our freedom!

Rev. Dallas

Rev. Dallas

The Theme Song for ThinkLoveFirst Birthed this Weekend

So excited to meet other like hearted souls. This weekend we co-created beautiful music.  Much to my surprise, the theme song for #ThinkLoveFirst also appeared as I tuned into guidance from the Holy Spirit.  I cannot wait to share it with you. My hope is to allow the downloads to serve a fundraiser to support our efforts around the globe. Together we can bring light and love to the world.

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