#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Message- Creation Is Singing & Trying to Speak
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#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday- Hello Loved Ones. What is nature trying to tell you? Recently both my husband and I have had many encounters with two very distinct animals. Last week during the Veterans Day activities, I came face to face with a Hawk, as if it were waiting for me to pass by. After I said hello, it gently flew off. The next day I saw a Hawk flying on my way to a meeting. We also have a Hawk next in our yard.
My husband has repeatedly been seeing deer and while that is not odd in Alabama, it is odd in the everyday occurrence during the work week. The question is what is nature trying to tell you? If you are seeing nature show up often perhaps there is a message to consider? What are the characteristics of that animal? Perhaps this is a season you are to embody similar traits or learn to usher embrace these traits more in your life. Pay attention, be alert. If you aren’t life could truly be passing you by and your best teachers will go unheard. It is probably a lesson you don’t want to miss!
Grace & Peace to You!
#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Facebook Live Message Election Night- We Must Come Together and Heal Our Land!
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It’s time we heal and come together. It’s time that we heal our nation and change our focus. It’s time that we #ThinkLoveFirst and move forward to make America great again! We must remember that it is about our people. Rev. Dallas, #MrsPetiteAmerica2016, talks about her vision to move the country forward with a renewed respect, honor and dignity for every person. Only together can we be the great country we were designed to be.
#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Message – Five Pillars of Freedom
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Hello Loved Ones. I am back on Alabama ground. Today is #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday and this is my special global message of love I feel lead to share with you. Over the years, I have been given direct guidance as my Spiritual purpose is unfolding. I have learned to record them as they come as not to forget them when they are ready to emerge.
In 2013, I was inspired in my dream time with the following pillars for my spiritual coaching and healing retreats. Please continue to hold space in your heart for the greater good as I move to manifest this in our physical world. I am seeking guidance from Heaven as I know it was the message for me and for so many of our brothers and sisters living in their shadow.
-Feel Your Pain
-Change Your Thoughts
-Heal Your Heart
-Nurture Your Soul
-Find Your True Self
Here you will find an on line link to my featured column that follows my global mission of ThinkLoveFirst. http://b-metro.com/category/City-Lights
Messages Through Israel – Morning at the Dead Sea
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It’s morning on the Dead Sea. Dallas shares her thoughts on a friendly encounter and reminds us God’s beauty is all around us, even at the Dead Sea.