Rev. Dallas Will Soon Be Rev. Dr. Dallas

During the past 3 years, I have been doing a deep intra-spiritual doctoral studies through the Alliance of Divine Love. Today as a Christian and Inter-faith minister it is my joy to bring light and love to a hurting world. As you know, I have a passion for the world and her people, the planet and beyond. Now it the time that we must stop listening to the noise of the doubt and fear. We can heal when we #ThinkLoveFirst and act in compassion towards others, our plants and our world.

Sending you light and love!



#Thinkloveirst Wisdom Quote- This Constant Noise

Hello Dear Ones.
 I envision a world where we respect each other and act in the greatest degree of love even when we disagree. There is a way to find a solution. Get out of your head and listen with your heart. There is a sickness that is infecting our view. Only together can we have a peace that surpasses understanding. We must find a way to work together and stop spinning hateful dialogue. That behavior will only continue to divide us. Aren’t you sick of this ugliness? Look in the mirror, examine your heart and be answer and not the instigator. It’s time to #ThinkLoveFirst and stop this nonsense before we loose what is must precious – Our freedom!

Rev. Dallas

Rev. Dallas

The Theme Song for ThinkLoveFirst Birthed this Weekend

So excited to meet other like hearted souls. This weekend we co-created beautiful music.  Much to my surprise, the theme song for #ThinkLoveFirst also appeared as I tuned into guidance from the Holy Spirit.  I cannot wait to share it with you. My hope is to allow the downloads to serve a fundraiser to support our efforts around the globe. Together we can bring light and love to the world.

Clergy Wellness Program

This past year I participated in the Clergy Wellness Program of St. Vincents. Disco Amigos was my chosen path of exercise as I work to build my core strength and flexibility. I will be sharing some of these tips through my teaching videos subscribe on my website

#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Message- Focus on a Mind-Set of Gratitude and Change Your World

#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Message- Hello Dear Ones. I have been dealing with a head cold and still under the weather today. I had hoped to be able to do a video message; however, this is today’s message. “Practice the art of being grateful. Embrace a mind-set of being content and noticing the abundance that nature brings us everyday. When we see how blessed we are to live another day, love another person- then we will truly experience joy.” I hope this encourages you to stop and smell the roses (or the wild flowers etc.) Don’t let life pass you by in your busyness. With love and gratitude – Rev. Dallas –

#ThinkLoveFirst – It Begins with You!

Suburu shows us how a company can champion a campaign that touches our heart, nurtures our soul and is meeting our felt needs. If they can do it, why can’t you?

#ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Message

Hello Loved Ones. I was watching a documentary yesterday on the rise of Hilter etc. and it brought back so many memories and reasons I have been trusted with #ThinkLoveFirst . It must first unfold in our hearts when we receive the Love of the Divine in fullness.

When this happens we can truly love our neighbor as we love ourselves. I recored this message with my phone immediately following a tour over a year ago. I wanted to share this with you. This is also the platform that lead with for the Mrs. Petite America pageant.

#ThinkLoveFirst is the answer. How it manifest in each of our lives will look different and be just as unique as we are. Isn’t that amazing!

Much love,

Rev. Dallas

Women’s March DC/Alabama – #ThinkLoveFirst in Action

Hello Dear Ones.

I just found out about this or I would be on my way to D.C. The vision I have for my global mission is a human rights movement #ThinkLoveFirst. If you can join a group in your area, be a part of a movement of light and love for all.

I am planning to go to our march in Birmingham this Saturday January 21st. This is in line with my mission #ThinkLoveFirst. If anyone plans to be in Birmingham perhaps we can meet up.

I am not sure if I will be speaking or not at this event. I only learned about it today. We can heal when we lead with the Greatest Degree of Love for all and only then.



Weekly #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Facebook Live Messages with Rev. Dallas at 7:30 CST

Don’t forget: #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday with Rev. Dallas. We will have our first video of 2017. I will be praying about what God wants me to share this evening at 7:30 CST. Join us live- there could just a special message for you. Much love- Rev. Dallas

I began offering #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday messages in fall 2016.  I am committed to continue these weekly messages to encourage you and inspire you to renew, restore and reconnect with the Divine.

Join us live, send a prayer request and expect God to speak to you directly.

This is the year for everyday miracles.

Much love,

Rev. Dallas 



Weekly #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday Messages Facebook Live Q & A with Rev. Dallas

 Dallas Shares Real Time Video Messages from the Holy Land


Ceasarea Phillippi

Mount of Beatitudes

Dead Sea Reflections

Reminder Loved Ones- #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday’s Facebook Live Ministry Message and Online Prayer Service

Reminder Loved Ones- #ThinkLoveFirst Tuesday’s Facebook Live Ministry Message and Online Prayer Service will be at another time due to a time conflict. I will coming to you live at 2:00 p.m. CST tomorrow. I will pray for a timely Divine message as well as listen for specific messages from above regarding our needs for healing in our bodies and in our hearts. Perhaps you can take your afternoon break and join us live as we lift each other and our world up in prayer.

Sending you light and love!

Grace & Peace to you,


Rev. Dallas Teague Snider

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